Eyolf Ivarsson was a Gangrel who lived in York in the early 1200s.
Eyolf was Embraced at the height of Jorvik's glory, when Vikings dominated most of Yorkshire and the north of Britain[1]. A scout for a Viking patrol defending the city, Eyolf was Embraced on the moors by a bestial, centuries-old Gangrel named Ivar.
Abandoned to his fate just hours before sunrise, Eyolf managed to survive the day and then subsisted in the wilderness for a full month. At that point, his sire Ivar returned, claimed Eyolf as his childe and instructed him in the ways of the clan before bringing him before Julian Cerialis, the Baron of York. It was then that Eyolf first met the prince's childe Thrand, whom he later served in the civil strife with the Saxon Brujah, and served alongside Katla. When Thrand fell to Final Death and Katla to torpor, Eyolf extricated himself from the conflict and watched as Julian Cerialis returned triumphant with the Norman conquerors. When the prince re-established himself in the city, he needed someone to placate the Danish population of the city, and called for Eyolf to attend him at court. Though he thought the invitation a trap to punish him for helping Thrand, the Gangrel obeyed the new prince.
Julian showed no displeasure at Eyolf's actions, as the einherjar had not fought directly against the Ventrue nor worked toward his overthrow. The Gangrel simply served the prince of his city and fought for his territory and hunting grounds. These deeds were not to be punished, but rewarded. Eyolf was appointed warmaster and found some respect and status among the Cainites of York.
Occupied by conflict with Chester, Eyolf was not in York when Julian met Final Death. Recognizing the instability of John's new position, the Gangrel realized his support could mean the solidification of the Ventrue's claim. Eyolf remembered the troubled times of civil strife between the Gangrel, Brujah and Ventrue and felt that a stable leader was far more preferable to a violent power struggle. He thus supported John and remained warmaster for York.
Katla's re-emergence on the scene had tested Eyolf's loyalties, as his history and cultural connection to the einherjar Ventrue affects his judgement.
- ↑ VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 52
- DA: Dark Ages: British Isles, p. 119