White Wolf Wiki

The Exploratory Society is one of five Blocs within the Technocratic Union during the Victorian period.



Victorian Age[]

Following the Albertan Reformation of 1851, the Celestial Masters and Void Seekers joined forces to forge a new political Bloc, the Exploratory Society. Despite the Celestial Masters' focus being outer space, and the Void Seekers' focus being the farther reaches of Earth, the two conventions found common ground in their shared quest for exploration, charting, and colonizing. Members of each convention began accompanying the others on expeditions and sharing their discoveries. They would butt heads with the Grand Faculty over their exploitative colonial practices on Earth, and with the Lightkeepers over the lack of notable benefit of their extra-terrestrial endeavors.

This unofficial alliance lasts until the Victorian Reformation of 1897, when the Exploratory Society's two Conventions formally merge to form a new Convention, the Void Engineers.



The creator of the Explorators, Bryan Armor, has this to say:
The Explorators would've had one made up of Alan Quatermain and Professor Challenger types who would eventually become the Earth Frontier Division and a group focused on investigating ghosts and faeries that would become the basis for the Neutralization Specialization Corps.
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Technocratic Union Blocs and Conventions (Mage: The Ascension: Victorian Age)
Exploratory Society Society of Celestial Masters · Void Seekers
Grand Faculty Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · Hippocratic Circle
Ivory Tower Lightkeepers · Skeleton Keys
League of Constructors Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · International Brotherhood of Mechanicians
Syndicate Golden Guild · Invisible Exchequer