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Exalted Comic 4 is the fourth issue of the comic book based on Exalted. It was the last issue published until issue #5 was released as part of Exalted: The Comic Series, Vol. 1.


Faka Kun tries to free her fellow Djala from slavery while Demetheus and Wind dig deeper into the mystery of the Hungry Ghosts. The forces that balance against each other in the city of Chiaroscuro are beginning to unravel and when the dust settles nothing will be the same. Also in this issue, rules information about the forces of the Wyld Hunt. Written by Carl Bowen and Zub

Art by Noi Sackda, Greg Boychuk, Roberto Campus and Christine Choi.

Cover by Sackda and Campus

Special Back-Up Story by Exalted fan-favorite Chris Stevens!

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Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. 1: The Scavenger Lands Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Exalted books Exalted: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded Buy it from DriveThruRPG!