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Fanfare for the Chosen is an electronic music set composed by James Semple and released by Onyx Path Publishing on September 27, 2017, via DriveThruRPG. This Exalted theme music was one of the stretch goals of the Exalted Third Edition Kickstarter.


From the Onyx Path catalogue:

Fanfare for the Chosen includes inspiring soundtrack themes for each of the ten types of Exalted (Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, Dragon Bloodeds, Abyssals, Exigents, Getiminans, Liminals, Infernals, Alchemicals), to set the tone as you encounter these Exalted in your games or are seeking inspiration for new stories.
About the composer:
James Semple is a composer for media (tv, video games, websites and films) specialising in ultra-realistic digital orchestration. He has created soundtracks for the Trail of Cthulhu, 13th Age, Unknown Armies 3rd Edition, Esoterrorists, and now Exalted 3rd Edition RPGs.

Track List[]

  1. "Birth of the Liminal Exalted"
  2. "March of the Dragonblooded"
  3. "Rage of the Lunar Exalted"
  4. "Return of the Solar Exalted"
  5. "Rise of the Infernal Exalted"
  6. "The Abyssal Exalted - Death's Lawgivers"
  7. "The Alchemical Exalted - Ex Machina"
  8. "The Exigents - The Power of the Exigence"
  9. "The Getimian Exalted - War in Heaven"
  10. "The Sidereal Exalted - Lesser But Safe"
Previous release:
Exalted: Elephant/Mammoth and Fulope Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Products
Exalted products
Next release:
Exalted: Exalted 3rd Edition Wallpaper Buy it from DriveThruRPG!