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Exalted: Essence Streaming Overlays is a 2023 supplementary release for Exalted: Essence.


From the seller's page:

This collection of png files with transparencies is drawn from the art of Exalted: Essence.
These overlays are designed to help bring your Exalted: Essence game to life on streaming platforms. These files are designed to accommodate everything from a single performer creating characters with a document window, to up to six performers on screen simultaneously. Overlays of two to five players have variant layouts to accommodate the inclusion of a VTT map in your broadcast.
Exalted: Essence Streaming Overlays includes:
  • 10 png files with preserved transparency at 1920 x 1080
  • Variants for performers only or performers with a window for VTT, map, or document input
  • Art representing all ten Exalt types, as found in Exalted: Essence

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