White Wolf Wiki

Everlite Gas & Electric is an energy company that supplies electricity to numerous sectors across New England. It is a front of the Pentex Group, specifically controlled by the Brotherhood of the Fly led by Harold Zettler.


Everlite started off in the 1990s as a coal company whose operations in the city of Holyoke gave them a reputation for causing an epidemic of respiratory problems in the community, though the lack of concrete evidence held direct government intervention back. Over time, they branched out, becoming a broad-ranging energy consortium, supplying oil, gas, and other power sources fracked out of Canada to large swaths of New England, as well as beginning a smaller solar power contingent that has been embroiled in controversy from minute one for consistently finding legal workarounds to avoid paying its workers above minimum wage.

In 2020, Everlite's Holyoke branch collaborated with numerous scientific institutions in western Massachusetts to begin the Big Calc project, believing that the promised breakthroughs in fluid dynamic research would improve the efficiency of its pipelines running oil from its drilling operations. While the Big Calc started off as a completely mundane operation with the legitimate intention of completing its stated goals, the individual that Everlite instated as head of the program, Mike Sullivan, used a drone captured by the company earlier that year to suborn the Big Calc's resources into mining cryptocurrency for personal use.

To that end, the Everlite Drone used his connection to other Weaver-spirits to create a Pattern Line into Holyoke, generating additional power in the form of raw data and its spiritual potence. However, certain elements of Everlite knowingly allied to the Wyrm corrupted this Pattern Line, feeding it with Wyrm-taint in order to use it as a channel through which their patron, the late Eater-of-Names, could resurrect himself.

