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The Evanescent are the Denizens who stayed on Earth during the Miririm. These Adhene include the aonides, keremet, and moirae.



Not all Denizens left Earth after the Tessarakonta. Some individuals stayed behind, sheltered in hidden enclaves throughout the waking world. Few of these "Evanescent" fae (so named because of their tendency to disappear form one realm and into another) underwent the Changeling Way Ritual. Some stayed as spies or agents provocateurs for the fomorians or for rulers among their own adhene. Many stayed because they enjoyed the Autumn World and its amenities, because they were trapped, or because they were renegades hiding from their fellow Denizens. While some were here since the War of Trees, others appeared during eruptions of Dark Glamour during the Miririm. These episodes (named Tarrarom by the Aethernaut Doctor Tourette before his disappearance) occurred during periods of great upheaval on Earth. Like the moon launch that engendered the Resurgence in 1969, such occasions coincided with periods of intense emotion. Some of there were positive, but the Tarrarom most connected with the return of the Denizens were always periods of Dark Glamour. Wars, plagues, inquisitions, and genocide sometimes opened ways not protected by the Silver Path. Most such trods opened and closed without notice, but sometimes, opportunistic adhene entered the Autumn Word. None of these were as intense or all encompassing as that which occurs with the death of the Ravnos Antedilluvian, though. The most common Denizens to appear during the periods were the acheri, aonides, keremet, and moirae. Through their experiences, Evanesents have greater knowledge of the world than newly arrived Denizens.


  1. CTD. Denizens of the Dreaming, pp. 15, 35-36.