Eva Raum is a member of the Void Engineers.
An energetic and visionary woman, Raum spearheads the Void Engineers' earthbound operations. With her friendly disposition and charisma, she garners support for her passion - the exploration and classification of known space. An amazing capacity for organization, mastery of Correspondence, Mind and spirit-tech, and complete devotion to the Technocratic cause make Raum a driving force on both sides of the Gauntlet.
Eva knows what's out there; during stints with both the PDC and the BCD, she encountered horrors beyond any filmmaker's nightmares. The revulsion she feels for these defilers inspires her to pursue the Pogrom whenever such future, an endless palace of wonders and resources. To make space safe, however, the aliens must be taught a lesson: The Earth will not tolerate invasion. Compromise invites chaos.
Those who meet Ms. Raum would never guess at her fanaticism. A master of P.R., she attends private and governmental functions, raising funds and enthusiasm for the conquest of space. Though in her mid-50s, Eva has energy and looks that put supermodels to shame. Within the Conventions, she carries healthy respect for her quick thinking and boundless knowledge. A joke among the Engineers states that Raum never sleeps, she simply lets her clones do it for her. There may more truth than fiction to the claim.
- MTAs: Hidden Lore, p. 24-25