White Wolf Wiki

Euryale was one of the first werewolves of the Black Furies tribe and now a Totem of War.


It is known that Euryale was a Ragabash and openly contemptuous of men, going so far to call them the "weaker sex" and demanding that they be subjugated. She the older sister of Helena, and also a member of the Medusae - the first pack of Black Furies.

Totem Overview[]

Euryale, also called the Far Springer, is the eldest of the Five Daughters. She often serves as the matron spirit to packs of Amazons of Diana; she sympathizes with their general feeling that Man is the weaker sex, and deserves to be subjugated by Woman. Despite her role as older sister, she is a New Moon. She encourages Black Furies and female packs to deliberately violate social conventions imposed by patriarchal society whenever they can; Euryale can almost be heard cheering when a human woman walks down a New York street topless, drives a car in Saudi Arabia or a lesbian couple adopts a child.

  • Background Cost: 4

Traits & Ban[]


Packs devoted to Euryale receive the Gifts: Fatal Flaw and Leap of the Kangaroo, and +3 dice when using Intimidation on males.


Packs adopted by Euryale can never have male members, and will only subject themselves to a male sept official if he defeats the pack alpha in an open challenge.

