Father Esteban Cortez, aka Priest316, is an Imbued Hunter of the Judge Creed who helped liberate Ashcroft several times.
Born in 1957, Cortez was the chaplain at Ashcroft State Penitentiary. It was his job to counsel and administer last rites to inmates scheduled to die by electrocution. He was the last person to speak to Nathaniel Arkady before his execution in 2001. Cortez theorized that Arkady was either channeling spirits or they were actually occupying his body. In the chaos of Arkady's execution, Little did he knew that Arkady's execution would trigger an undead insurrection. Cortez was Imbued as a Judge.
On the day of Nathaniel Arkady's execution, Father Esteban was gifted by God with second sight, and able to see demons using the bodies of men like puppets. Enraged, he took up arms against these creatures like a Holy Templar, and with the others Imbued, purged Ashcroft Penitentiary of the evil within.
Cortez has a Private diary the day before Arkady's execution:
"There was a knock at the door. “Times up. Chaplain.” A guard’s voice called from the hall. Nathaniel's eyes went wide, almost feral. “No..no..” The door opened and the guards came in and grabbed him. He fought against them and screamed. “NOO!! NO! Not in There! Don’t put me back!!” his strength was incredible. They could barely move him. The guards reached further clubs. “Wait!” I cried out. Too late, they hit him and he went down. “Get out of here Father…” he was still awake! “You’re been decent to me, it's more than I deserve. Get out here before it's too late.” With a renewed burst of strength he threw off one of the guards. Two more ran in from the hallway and pounced on him. “NOOO!!!” he howled again. They began to drag him down the hall toward his cell. “NNO!!! I WON’T GO BACK!! NOO GOD PLEASE HELP ME!! DON’T MAKE ME GO BACKKK!!!” He fought and struggled the whole way, taking blow after blow from the guards. I turned away, unable to watch any longer. His screams echoed in my ears… he called to me down the hallway and the pleading in his voice moved my legs. I ran down to his cell, his bloody face was pressed to the view slit. “Now..now while I’m still me…listen. I am truly sorry for...” he struggled with words, “For what I have done… I beg God’s forgiveness…have….mercy…on…my…SOUL!” his head snapped back and he clutched his head in agony. “In the name of God I bless you, and ask him to forgive you Nathaniel.” He lifted up his head and looked at me again. For a moment his eyes were his own, I could see his thanks written there, and while I watched they became those ice-blue chips of stone. His face split into that horrid grin… “Hell doesn't scare me creature!” the Nathaniel thing spat and the view slit slammed shut of it’s own accord. Dear God…what is it I have just witnessed."
In-game Character Card[]
"Father Esteban Cortez worked faithfully as the Ashcroft Penitentiary resident Chaplain. And up until the day of his imbuing, quietly served as a counselor and administrator to the needs of his fellow man. Esteban is the magical powerhouse of the Hunters. Armed with varying Edges ranging from healing to damaging to paralyzing, Esteban brings to bear magical power enough to deal with any situation."
Character Information[]
- Creed: Judge
- Height: 5'11"
- Weight: 175
- Age: 45 (55 in Redeemer)
- Race: Hispanic descent
- Melee Weapon: Double Edge Cruciform Broadsword
- Ranged Weapon: Crossbow
Dialogue + Quotes[]
See Hunter: the Reckoning - Dialogue
(Hunter: The Reckoning - Video Game)[]
(Prologue Narration) - "Last year, convicted serial killer Nathaniel Arkady, was scheduled to die by electrocution. Things did not go according to plan. They call this …the imbuing. When everything you've ever known becomes a lie. The secret is laid bare, and the truth is revealed. There it stands in all its unholy glory: evil personified and presented for hideous edification. Monsters exist and they are everywhere. Of all the people present that day, only the four of us could see. See the guards for the monsters they were, and see the dead rise from the depths of Ashcroft Prison to take their revenge. In the end, we managed to push the creatures back, and finally, lock them away in the prison. No one would ever have to disturb them again… or so we hoped." "On the anniversary of Nathaniel Arkady’s execution, the spirits were re-awakened. No longer content to stay within the walls of Ashcroft, this time they unleashed their anger and hatred against the entire town. And so, we’ve come back. Just as we promised. Back to where it all began, and our lives ended. We Hunt…"
(Mission 1 - Subway Station + Cletus interaction)
- "Do you think you can get a train up and running soon?"
- "We need a way out... I'll send whoever I find."
(Mission 2 - Streets)
- "I'll take care of the girl. You go ahead."
(Mission 3 - Playground + War Ghoul)
- "God help me..."
(Carpenter interaction)
- "I just don't think i can trust you."
(Mission 5 - Church + Teddy Bear boss)
- "Not here you bastards..."
(2nd Carpenter interaction)
- "Get off the alter creature. Now."
(Mission 13 - Mansion Interior 1 + Degenhardt Boss)
- "Degenhardt...I want to know what's going on"
- "Nathaniel Arkady, and the other prisoners, suffered enough because of you, I won't let you hurt anyone else."
(Mission 24 - Death Row + Carpenter Boss)
- "What brings you to us this time Carpenter?"
- "I'm a fool. This was it all along wasn't it? All your help, just for revenge?"
- "Well, it looks like both of our problems have been solved already. Hadrian is dead Carpenter."
(Nathaniel Arkady Boss)
- "Nathaniel please... you can end this."
- "Nathaniel, come with me. We can fix this. It's not too late."
- "I cannot help you anymore Nathaniel. This has to end...tonight."
- "You opened the hole last time Nathaniel, who else has that kind of power?"
- "The Warden's family is dead. He cannot play God. I won't let him."
(Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward)[]
- "Welcome back to the land of the living my son. Would you be God_45 or Fanatic656."
- "Since we only found the one of you, we fear the worst for your companion, are you up to talking?"
- "Apparently not."
- "Can we get back in using the tunnels."
- "Where are you off to now?"
(Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer)[]
- "No. But that doesn't mean anything. Hold your position until the others arrive."
- "They've never let us down before Kaylie. Have faith...they will come."
- "Kaylie! are you alright?"
- "Easy Spenser. She's still new to this."
- "Your suffering ends here creature."
- "I won't let you hurt her Spenser."
- "Not while he still breathes."
- "You've Betrayed us all Xavier Lucien."
- "You have been judged."
Cortez gains the following Edges:
- Cortez was initially voiced by Jerry Bloom (and mo-capped by David A. Rodriguez) in HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning (video game) , and then Lex Lang in HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward and HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer .
- For the past 10 years Father Esteban is the only Hunter to remain in Ashcroft. He has taught his ward, Kaylie Winter, all he knows about the Hunt and has tried to instill in her a sense of justice and balance, but he has allowed her to choose her own path.
- Cortez is seen as a leader for the hunters given his long deep-rooted history of Ashcroft he spent years with that he knew so well that no other hunters had.
Hunter: The Reckoning (Video Game)[]
Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward[]
Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer[]
- HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning (video game)
- HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward
- HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer
- https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox/479406-hunter-the-reckoning/faqs
- https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/589420-hunter-the-reckoning-wayward/faqs/26339
- https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox/589620-hunter-the-reckoning-redeemer/faqs/26603
- Hunter: The Reckoning via Wayback
- Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward via Wayback
- Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer via Wayback