Equipment refers to anything a player can create in order to aid in his actions.
World of Darkness[]
Chronicles of Darkness[]
The most common type of equipment in the Chronicles of Darkness is physical equipment: obvious things like power tools and the like. Weapons and armor also fall under this category.
Non-physical forms of equipment include organizations, repositories of information, and plans. Mystical equipment (e.g. a protective amulet) is often physical but counts as its own category.
Equipment that can be bought or given has an Availability rating determining the monetary and/or social cost required to acquire it.
Meanwhile, Size, Durability, and Structure are used to simulate the physical form of an average example of a piece of equipment, provided it has form.
Building Equipment[]
In its most basic form, building equipment is an simple task not taking more than a few hours. If the work is done under pressure or building the equipment requires more than a casual effort, a roll is required, with a penalty equal to the intended equipment's bonus, weapon modifier, armor rating, etc. If the construction is particularly complex, separate actions involving Resources, Contacts, or other such Merits may be suitable.
If a player wishes to create something as a long-term project (e.g. building a car from scratch, establishing a business), he may use an extended action with an appropriate interval between rolls.
In a pinch, equipment can also be jury-rigged as an instant action, cutting out the usual time involved. This comes at the expense of the equipment being dangerously fragile or volatile, however.
Equipment Conditions[]
If the roll to create a piece of equipment fails, it will still be created; it merely will have Conditions attached to it indicating its fragility. Jury rigged equipment will always have such Conditions, even on a success.
- CofD: Chronicles of Darkness, p. 100-103