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Entrepreneurial Splash

The Entrepreneurial creed is one of the five creeds practiced by mortal Hunters. Entrepreneurial Hunters bring an innovation-minded perspective to the Hunt and the possible ends to which monsters-as-resources can be turned. The Entrepreneurial toolbox includes everything from proprietary monster-hunting protocols to experimental technologies to strange derivatives of supernatural reagents. Entrepreneurial Hunters may even use product-style R&D to address the threats posed by supernatural creatures.


Needless to say, the approach that characterizes Entrepreneurial Hunters has its benefits and its drawbacks. In terms of benefits, Entrepreneurial Hunters can cultivate an advantage over their quarry, developing new technologies and approaches that sometimes confound the more traditional and even folkloric of supernatural threats. As regards drawbacks, one risk is that that emergent technology itself has no moral bent, meaning that the tools developed to fight the night-haunts can also be used by the night-haunts, or even for other purposes unforeseen during development.

An Entrepreneurial Hunter might expect to innovate a way to use vampire blood coagulant against the undead, improvise an effective weapon from the strange techno-talismans in the sorcerer’s sanctum, hack into a private database listing a warlock’s assets and allies, network with contacts who can provide valuable information on the suspected location of the werewolf’s den, and disrupt the hierarchy of unwitting human servants of the quarry.


Most obviously, risk-takers, tool innovators, and those who prefer a little more, say, operational leeway gravitate toward the Entrepreneurial creed. Problem-solving is the way of the creed, whether by proven and efficient means, or by trial and error with much room for spontaneity.

Some among the Entrepreneurial Creed may have had a background in disciplined environments such as the military, or through business backgrounds with extensive protocols. Others are the classic “mad scientist” types or garage inventors. Many say they feel the world slipping away from them and uphold a vision that gives them back what they think they’ve lost.

Clever individuals have even found a way to make a living from the Hunt. For those who have discovered the ugly truth about the presence of the supernatural, getting paid to make the world a better place is a satisfying confluence of interests. At least until those ugly truths turn optimism into tragedy.


Entrepreneurial Hunters may go into hunts with the intention to capture or even observe rather than kill, except in cases where they’re dealing with known murderous entities. Part of the opportunity-seeking nature of an Entrepreneur’s Hunt is to come back with some critical resource that can be subject to experimentation. This, in turn, leads to specialized equipment that can aid in a conflict or even into a product that could be synthesized or reproduced and sold. This might be something as straightforward as silver bullets or something as subjective as protective amulets, to whatever benefits the Entrepreneur considers justifiable to recoup costs.

Hunter “companies” with Entrepreneurial members may employ untested approaches. In some cases, those Hunters don’t know they’re being risky, in fact, and in some cells, Hunters must improvise because no actual playbook exists, and any experience at all becomes a literal lifesaver. Unfortunately, this also makes the outcomes unpredictable.

The capture approach is a risky proposition, as it potentially exposes hunters to the malignant powers of the supernatural quarry. A destroyed vampire can’t bogart one’s mind, but who knows how an imprisoned vampire might be able to do it — whether they’re looking into one’s eyes or making one an emotional captive by force of personality, or just using some blood-cursed nastiness to boil one’s eyes out of their head. To say nothing of moving faster, hitting harder, and being tougher than the Hunters themselves.

Creed Field[]

Entrepreneurial Hunters suffering the press of Desperation excel in building, inventing, augmenting, or repairing while on the Hunt.


Entrepreneurial Walk

An Entrepreneurial Hunter


Hunter: The Reckoning Creeds
Imbued creeds Avenger · Defender · Hermit · Innocent · Judge · Martyr · Redeemer · Visionary · Wayward
Mortal creeds Entrepreneurial · Faithful · Inquisitive · Martial · Underground
