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Entitlement is a term used to describe the exclusive orders of changelings, which are one part noble title and one part mystical brotherhood.


The noble orders are a fundamental part of changeling society. These orders are referred to as "Entitlements," and those who have gained a title are known as "entitled."

An Entitlement may be given to changelings, being a member of an organization. Each has their own history and Entitlements. There is usually a cost associated with becoming a member, either "in game" or a mechanical cost of glamour and wyrd.

  • Advantages

Upon swearing an oath, and therefore joining that order, the changeling gains the benefits of that order. The changeling also gains some changes to their mien, although it is only minor.

  • Disadvantages

When making dealings with the true fae, a changeling with a title will most probably be noticed before one without. This makes it difficult to avoid the fae.

The Entitlements[]

Here is a comprehensive list of known Entitlements.

The Adjudicators Of The Wheel[]

Firm believers of fairness and justice, these Judges strive to bring balance to the world, one case at a time.[1]

Ancient And Accepted Order Of Bridgemasons[]

Expert creators, these Master Builders can construct houses, statues, and castles without the need of tools or workers.[2]

The Anti-Gentrification League[]

Little more than a mob, this entitlement seeks to stymie efforts of the Fairest, whom they view as the agents of the Gentry.[3]

The Barony Of The Lesser Ones[]

Defenders and negotiatiors, these Barons and Baronesses deal with the hobgoblins and hedge beasts, peacefully if possible, violently if necessary.[4]

Bishopric Of Blackbirds[]

Both good and bad omens, these Bishops strive to help others, though at a cost, and to restore Clarity to their freehold.[5]

Bodhisattvas Of The Broken Cage[]

Spring Court non-conformists, these Agents of Change encourage others to escape the prison of restraint, to become something more.[6]

The Bronze Beylik[]

Kingmakers and couselors, these Bey select and groom the rulers of the Court.[7]

The Charmed Circle[]

True leaders, these Kings and Queens demonstrate excellence through exceptional decisions and extraordinary actions.[8]

College Of Worms[]

Students of fate, these Diviners seek out the threads of destiny to form a picture of the future.[9]

Companions of the Resigned[]

These kindly Companions are dedicated to providing friendship for the lonely.[10]

Court Of The Solstice[]

Embracing the in-between, these Courtiers embody and protect the transitions between the seasons.[11]

Duchy Of The Icebound Heart[]

Potent manipulators, these Dukes and Duchesses refuse to let love and grief rule their life, choosing to control others' emotions instead.[12]

The Duchy Of Truth And Loss[]

Fetch hunters, these Dukes and Duchesses seek out and destroy the fae-created imposters.[13]

The Eternal Echoes[]

Living memories, these Lords and Ladies work to ensure that the Lost are never forgotten.[14]

The Family Of Silent Nights[]

Defenders of our dreams, these Brothers and Sisters fight against invasions into the minds of those they watch over.[15]

The Guild Of Goldspinners[]

Offerers of opportunity, these Rumpelstiltzkins can provide wealth, for a price.[16]

Guild Of The Sacred Journey[]

Messengers and couriers, these Sacred Couriers will ensure that any accepted delivery arrives at its destination.[17]

The Hedge Wardens[]

Tamers of the Hedge, these Wardens follow their Lord or Lady in their destruction of all that is dangerous near their freehold.[18]

The Honorable Order of the Third Hour (THOTH)[]

Scientists and inventors in the vein of da Vinci, the Thothites seek to advance both knowledge and its practical application.[19]

The Hound Tribunal[]

Meters of justice, these Hounds serve justice against those who have wronged the Summer Court.[20]

The Knighthood Of The Dragonslayer[]

Interrogators and spies, these Cavaliers defend the greater good by exposing hidden wickedness.[21]

Knighthood Of Utmost Silence[]

Experts at subterfuge, these Silent Knights help changelings to disappear without a trace, into a new life.[22]

Knights of St. Collen[]

An order of the religiously devout, these Sirs and Ladies are known for mediating inter-Court disputes and performing acts of charity.[23]

Knights Of The Knowledge Of The Tongue[]

Exotic gourmands, these Knights de Cuisine wage battle in the kitchen, striving for victory of the palate.[24]

Knights Of The Widow’s Walk[]

Faceless and nameless, these Sirs and Ladies are the epitome of spies, taking new names and new faces as necessary.[25]

Legacy Of The Black Apple[]

Beggars and diplomats, these Legates negotiate with the Gentry, however dangerous that might be.[26]

The Legion Of The Iron Wall[]

Monitors and defenders of freeholds everywhere, these Legionnaires will stand against their enemies, even at the cost of their own lives.[27]

The Lord Sages Of The Unknown Reaches[]

Scholars and spies, these Lords and Ladies seek to discover the truths of the other supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness.[28]

The Lost Pantheon[]

Self-proclaimed modern gods, these Ancients embody both the gods of old as well as more modern concepts.[29]

Magi Of The Gilded Thorn[]

Explorers of the Hedge, these Magi seek to discover its secrets and take its power as their own.[30]

Magistrates Of The Wax Mask[]

Supposed servants, these Magistrates ensure the festivals and events of a freehold are properly enacted.[31]

Margravate Of The Brim[]

Defenders of the border marches, these Margraves and Margravines protect the freehold while detesting the Courts that rule it.[32]

The Office Of Vizieral Counsel[]

Eternal advisors, these Viziers act as sorceror-advisors to their kings and queens, devoting their magic to their rulers.[33]

The Order Of The Hallowed Garden[]

Reformers and renewers, these Gardeners strive to create "gardens" where positive ideals can grow while dangerous ones are pruned.[34]

The Order Of The Oneirophysics[]

Miraculous physicians, these Dreamhealers can heal even fatal injuries through the art of dream-wielding.[35]

The Order of the Story Heroes[]

The Tricksters of this order are itinerant heroes who seek to overcome powerful foes through cleverness.[36]

The Parliament Of Victors[]

Victors through and through, these Noble Champions will succeed at whatever it takes to get what they deserve.[37]

The Phantom Tong[]

Underworld criminals, these Dai Lo foster confusion and chaos to keep the Courtly rulers honest.[38]

The Pilgrims Of The Endless Road[]

Strivers toward personal improvement, these Brothers and Sisters better themselves, often foresaking connections to others in the process.[39]

Sacred Band Of The Golden Standard[]

Warrior poets and glory-hounds, these Gilded Aspirants valiantly protect the freehold, to achieve fame and praise.[40]

Satrapy Of Pearls[]

Pursuers of happiness, these Satraps embrace the arts of buying, bartering, and selling to possess or offer whatever they desire.[41]

The Scarecrow Ministry[]

Wielders of fear, these Ministers teach that there are reasons to be afraid by becoming the monsters and urban legends that others fear.[42]

The Squires Of The Broken Bough[]

Having lost everything, these Squires fight and die so that others do not have to share in their loss.[43]

The Tolltaker Knighthood[]

Justified mercenaries, these Knights will accept a bounty provided the cause is just.[44]

The Twilight Gleaners[]

Guiders of fate, these Soothsayers share their foreknowledge to keep changelings on the right path.[45]


Changeling: The Lost 1e Entitlements


Adjudicators of the Wheel · Anti-Gentrification League · Barony of the Lesser Ones · Bishopric of Blackbirds · Bronze Beylik · College of Worms · Companions of the Resigned · Court of the Solstice · Eternal Echoes · Family of Silent Nights · Guild of the Sacred Journey · Hedge Wardens · The Honorable Order of the Third Hour · Knighthood of the Dragonslayer · Knights of St. Collen · Knights of the Knowledge of the Tongue · Legion of the Iron Wall · Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches · Magistrates of the Wax Mask · Margravate of the Brim · Order of the Hallowed Garden · Order of the Oneirophysics · Order of the Story Heroes · Phantom Tong · Pilgrims of the Endless Road · Sacred Band of the Golden Standard · Squires of the Broken Bough · Twilight Gleaners


Ancient and Accepted Order of Bridgemasons · Bodhisattvas of the Broken Cage · Duchy of the Icebound Heart · Duchy of Truth and Loss · Guild of Goldspinners · Hound Tribunal · Knighthood of Utmost Silence · Magi of the Gilded Thorn · Satrapy of Pearls · Scarecrow Ministry · Tolltaker Knighthood

Eldritch Orders

Charmed Circle · Knights of the Widow's Walk · Legacy of the Black Apple · Lost Pantheon · Parliament of Victors · Office of Vizieral Counsel
