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Enticer(s) are Fomori made to seduce their victims.


The Enticers can effectively seduce any creature that lives. Pheromones constantly exerted from the Enticer's skin stimulate the pleasure centers of its prey while it pulls images of perfection from the prey's mind.

Enticers do not like to fight; they will in act avoid physical confrontations if at all possible. Enticers prefer to manipulate their prey into conflict with each other. often by starting a fight over who can be with the Enticer, or by simply leading them into an ambush of fomori. What the Enticers enjoy more than anything else is leading Garou, and other minions of Gaia, down the road to complete corruption by the Wyrm.

The Enticers are a form of fomori that have been created by Siren Cosmetics, a subsidiary of the Pentex Corporation. The process is simple enough, and involves giving away a special "hypoallergenic" supply of Entice makeup to the winners of a yearly contest.


Without powers, these fomori appear as normal humans save for the row of barbed teeth in their mouths. However, they are rarely perceived except through the veil of their Wyrm powers, which make them appear intensely alluring.


First Edition[]

Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma 6, Manipulation 6, Appearance 6, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2 ( bite; Str +1), Dodge 2, Expression 2, Empathy 4, Subterfuge 5, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Performance 5, Survival 1, Computers 1, Enigmas 1, Linguistics 2, Politics 1
Backgrounds: Enticers can have almost any of the Backgrounds available, but all Enticers have at least a 3 in Resources - their allowance from Pentex.
Powers: Enhancement: The Enticer can become any living creature's ideal mate by scanning the target's mind. The Enticer must make a Charisma + Empathy roll against a difficulty equal to the opponent's Rage. Success means that it has become that opponent's ideal mate in physical appearance. If the Enticer fails, it simply appear as an attractive individual. If the roll botches, the target will feel uncomfortable in the Enticer's presence, sensing that the Enticer desperately wants to be liked and needed.
Succubus Veil: This power requires a Manipulation + Subterfuge Roll against the target's Wits + Primal-Urge. If the Enticer is successful, the target is enthralled, wanting nothing but to be with the Enticer whenever possible. If the roll fails, the target still finds the Enticer attractive, but is not enchanted by the Enticer's beauty. If the roll botches, the target becomes aware that there is something decidedly wrong with the Enticer, something very dangerous about associating with the creature. For every scene in which the Enticer is around its targets, it can attempt another roll: of more than 10 cumulative successes are achieved, the target will be fanatically enchanted by the Enticer, and will desire to serve and protect the Enticer at any cost. Rage 3, Gnosis 3, Willpower 5
Equipment: Enticers are always armed and have sharp, barbed teeth. Enticers will also always have very expensive clothes and cars.

Second Edition[]

Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma 6 (3), Manipulation 6 (3), Appearance 6 (3), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2 ( bite; Str +1), Dodge 2, Expression 2, Empathy 4, Subterfuge 5, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Performance 5, Survival 1, Computers 1, Enigmas 1, Linguistics 2, Politics 1
Backgrounds: Enticers can have almost any of the Backgrounds available (with Allies and Contacts a natural), but all Enticers have at least a 3 in Resources - their allowance from Pentex.
Powers: Claws/Teeth (can use Bite maneuver), plus two unique powers.

  • Enhancement - By scanning her target's mind, the Enticer can become any living creatures' ideal mate. The Enticer must make a Charisma + Empathy roll against a difficulty equal to the opponent's Rage (or Willpower -3 in the case of non-shapeshifters). Success means that she has become that opponent's ideal mate in physical appearance, even if this involves an apparent gender change. If the Enticer fails, she simply appears as an attractive individual, and her gender can't be concealed to fit the targets desires. If she botches the roll, her target feels decidedly uncomfortable in her presence, sensing that the Enticer desperately wants to be liked and needed.
  • Succubus Veil - The power requires a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll, difficulty of the target's Wits + Primal-Urge. If the Enticer is successful, his target is enthralled, wanting nothing but to be with the Enticer whenever possible. If the roll failed, the target still finds the Enticer attractive, but is not enchanted by his beauty. For every scene in which the Enticer is around its targets, he can attempt another roll; if the Enticer achieves more than 10 cumulative successes, his target becomes fanatically enchanted, and longs to serve and protect the Enticer at any cost. However, if the Enticer botches even one roll, his target senses that there is something decidedly wrong with the Enticer - something very dangerous about associating with the creature - and cannot be enthralled.

Willpower 5
Equipment: Enticers are always armed and are usually decked out with plenty of the trappings of luxury. Few are without exceedingly expensive clothes and cars, usually "presents" from previous victims.


Powers: (Required) Succubus' Veil; (Suggested) Enhanced Attribute (Appearance, Charisma), Fangs
Taints: (Required) Addiction (to Siren Cosmetics); (Suggested) Derangement (Delusions of Grandeur, Paranoia)


