White Wolf Wiki

Emma's Little Helpers are an all-female, Redcap terrorist society.


Emma's Little Helpers

These "ladies" are a band of redcap terrorists with some formidable allies, particularly among the Black Fury band: the Sisters of Hippolyta. Until recently, other fae were willing to turn a blind eye to the ladies' occasional atrocities because of the many times they have rescued children in need or helped women who needed a hand. Lately, though, their violence has escalated. Instead of knocking a few drunken misogynists around, they are just as likely to leave him gutted, or worse. Once they scared the crap out of smartass teenage boys; now they string them up. Their new leader, the Hellion, may be the cause of al this ultraviolence. Whatever caused it, though, they were on the way to being named outlaws by High King David before his disappearance. Now it seems their rampage will continue unchecked.

