Embrocation is the unique Discipline of the Qedeshah bloodline of the Mekhet. It grants the Qedeshah twisted versions of the religious rituals their mortal forebears once enacted as "temple-whores".
Masaha ("to anoint") - the Qedeshah anoints a subject with her own blood, lending her emotional strength.
Lebhonah ("white incense") - blood vomited by the Qedeshah boils and produces a white smoke which can stupefy those who inhale it.
Mashkeh ("to drink") - the Qedeshah "drinks" the wounds of another, mystically transforming their pain into Vitae and healing the subject in the process.
Berith ("the covenant") - by transferring their blood into another Kindred through skin contact, the Qedeshah creates a bond in which the subject can sense her location.
Taharah ("ritual purity") - the Qedeshah purifies a location of her choice, creating a sanctuary granting various benefits to herself and other Kindred who visit.
- VTR: Bloodlines: The Hidden, p. 112 -115