Elodoth Rites are rites that are only available to the Elodoth Auspice.
The Elodoth keep some rites to themselves. Not as secrets, because that'd be dishonorable. It's just that some tools only make sense for a Half Moon to use. A Rahu has his battle prayers and a Cahalith her sacred stories and howls; rites of truth and boundaries are the providence of the Half Moons. Many Elodoth find it relatively easy to collect rituals, even compared to Ithaeur - even in the World of Darkness, one can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
First Edition Rite List[]
- Boundary Rite: The Elodoth is the Walker Between, the one auspice with a real understanding of boundaries and edges, the oft-invisible lines that divide the world into "yours" and "ours." Werewolves fight over territory all the time, but when neighboring packs have helped each other in the past, starting a turf war is a really bad idea. To that end, the rite defines a shared border between two territories. Both packs must agree on where the border runs; the spiritual compact that empowers the rite recognizes no disputed zones. Any werewolf of either pack can se the boundary as a softly glowing wall, about as bright as the light of the Half Moon on a dark night. The boundary doesn't stop anyone crossing it; it just acts as a reminder that two packs have drawn a line in the sand. In the Shadow, the boundary is a wall of bright moonlight almost a half-mile high; easily enough to scare minor spirits into remaining on one side or the other.
- Echoes of Truth: The truth is a slippery thing. The old saw has it that every story has three sides: your side, the other guy's side, and the truth. Elodoth have passed this rite from one to another for countless generations, as it remains one of the few reliable means of getting a fragment of the truth without relying on the fickle favor of the Elunim. It only shows a glimpse of what happened, a moment frozen in time like a photograph taken of the past - to the point where some irreverent Iron Masters call this rite "Polaroid Postcognition." Often that glimpse is enough to reveal hidden details.
- Rite of Parlay: Half Moons have many roles to play in Uratha society, but perhaps one of their most important is envoy to the spirits. While Ithaeur are the masters of spirit conflict, the Elodoth practice diplomacy and wit to ensure that both sides get what they want without blood or ephemera being spilled. This rite anoints a space as a place where Uratha and spirit can meet without either side becoming the victim. Spirits cannot attempt to reach into the physical world while in the space, and Uratha cannot banish them if this rite is used with spirits already in the physical world.
- Judgment Brand: For better or worse, an Elodoth must act as judge. As walker between wolf and man, between flesh and spirit, and between Uratha and human, he is uniquely poised to consider all the facts before levying a punishment. Not that all Elodoth are perfectly honorable judges, but those who aren't don't tend to know this rite. A Judgement Brand is a ritual scarification that ensures a victim's crimes will walk with him until his death. Some Elodoth save this punishment for those who refuse the chance to redeem themselves, while others like to make examples of those who piss them off. A judgment brand is permanent, barring a similarly powerful rite. For that reason, most Uratha don't like seeing this rite used too lightly.
- WTF: Signs of the Moon, p. 105-106