Ellen Porter Kiley is a writer and editor who has worked on a number of White Wolf products, including the World of Darkness, Gamma World, and Exalted.
Additional Contributions[]
Additional Material[]
Additional Writing[]
- 2010/January 20: MTAs: Night Horrors: The Unbidden
- 2008/April 30: CofD: World of Darkness: Innocents
- 2005: Exalted: Aspect Book: Wood
- 2004/November 15: GW: Beyond the Horizon
- 2004/June 21: GW: Cryptic Alliances & Unknown Enemies
- 2003/October 6: DAV: Dark Ages Clan Novel 7: Malkavian
- 2003/September 1: Orpheus: Orpheus Rulebook
- 2003/March 1: DAW: Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook
- 2003: WTA: Tribebook: Silent Striders
- 2002/October 28: WTA: Book of the City
- 2002/April 1: Exalted: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded
- 2002: DTF: Lucifer's Shadow: Tales of Fallen Angels
- 2002: KOTE: Heresies of the Way
- 2001/September 4: WTA: Tribebook: Black Furies
- 2001/July 9: cMET: Laws of the Wild Revised Edition
- 2001: VTDA: Veil of Night
- 2000/October 2: MTAs: Dragons of the East
- 2000/June 21: VTM: Clanbook: Gangrel Revised
- 2000: KOTE: World of Darkness: Blood and Silk
Based on the Work of:[]
Chinese Language Assistance[]
- 2017/June 14: MTAw: Dark Eras: To the Strongest
- 2017/June 7: CTL/GTS: Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness
- 2017/June 7: GTS/WTF: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven
- 2017/January 25: MTAw/WTF: Dark Eras: The Sundered World
- 2016/December 7: CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker
- 2016/September 14: PTC: Dark Eras: A Handful of Dust
- 2016/May 25: CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras
- 2016: VTDA: Tome of Secrets
- 2015/April 1: MTC: Sothis Ascends
- 2015/March 4: WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition
- 2004/November 29: CofD: World of Darkness: Antagonists
- 2004/June 7: DAF: Dark Ages: Fae
- 2004/June: Aberrant: Aberrant d20
- 2004: DAV: Road of Humanity
- 2003/August 11: DAV: Players Guide to the Low Clans
- 2003: VTM: Caine's Chosen: The Black Hand
- 2002/November: VAV: London by Night
- 2000/February: Trinity: Aurora Australis: Psi Order Legions & Austronesia Sourcebook
Special Thanks[]
- 1998/September: Trinity: America Offline: Psi Order Orgotek and FSA Sourcebook
- from James Kiley: To my wife Ellen and son Jimmy, for the happiness they keep in my life.