Elk is a Totem of Respect.
Elk is built to bear the heavy burden of its antler crown, just as lawgivers must bear the weight of their duties as judges and arbiters, and to both, balance is vital. Elk teaches his followers to think carefully and thoroughly before taking actions or making judgement.
Modern Times[]
Cautious Elk was weakened by the corruption of those he had given his patronage to. Now, he rarely is convinced to serve as a Totem to Garou, fearing another betrayal.
- Background Cost: 5
Traits & Ban[]
- Individual Traits: Those who follow Elk gain a point of Honor Renown and gain two extra dice to any Investigation rolls regarding ferreting out the truth.
- Pack Traits: Packs that follow Elk can call on three dots of Law and three dots of Investigation per story. As well, those of the Philodox auspice are well disposed to them.
Elk requires that its followers never refuse to listen to both sides of any argument.
- WTA: White Howlers Tribebook, p. 72