In the world view of the Hsien, an Elemental Soul is an aspect of the Soul that governs certain functions based on the 5 Elements of Eastern Cosmology.
In Eastern Cosmology, there are 5 elements: Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood, and Water. These elements are not the immutable ideals of the Greek Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. They are material and spiritual correspondences that interact in subtle ways. For a greater discussion on the topic see Wu Tan.
Different aspects of the soul are governed by one of the 5 elements, as are different Attributes.
- Earth - Wisdom, Knowledge, Common sense, and Intelligence
- Fire - Propriety, Manners, Codes of conduct, Enforcing precepts of society, Charisma and Wits
- Metal - Justice, Honesty, Fair play, Perception and Dexterity
- Wood - Morality, Lust, Empathy, Compassion, Vitality and Health, Appearance and Strength
- Water - Faith, Fidelity, Confidence, Manipulation and Stamina
- CTD: Land of Eight Million Dreams, p. 99