Lady Eleanor is an Unseelie Sidhe Grump and High Lord of House Leanhaun.

The enigmatic Lady Eleanor rules House Leanhaun and represents the interests of the house in the Parliament of Dreams. Charismatic and brilliant, Eleanor holds favors from most of the other delegates. For this reason, they do not allow her dismissal from the parliament even though she is unashamedly Unseelie and often argues unpopular cases. She has allowed herself to age some seventy years during the last thirty year span, making her one of the most elderly looking of the changelings in Parliament. She uses the perception of her as a canny elder to good advantage, counseling other delegates in ways that prove advantageous to them, but also to House Leanhaun's plans. Because she speaks warmly on their behalf, many commoners favor Eleanor's suggestions as well. House Leanhaun has followed Eleanor's lead since returning from Arcadia and most recall that she led them while they yet remained there. None on the house High Council truly desire her position; fewer still have the wits, skill, and rank to wrest it from her.
Though she appears elderly and fragile, Eleanor's keen wits and ruthless dedication to protect and advance her house, as well as her extensive knowledge of Arts, make her more than a match for younger changelings. Her cadre of enchanted mortal bodyguards (some armed with cold iron weapons) dooms most physical attacks against her. Her champion, Sir Tairngrim, whom many believe to be her lover, fights challenges made against Eleanor within the house.
She enjoys the privilege of great wealth and rarely lives in the same city for more than a month. Each month she hosts a gala at which her latest protégé is introduced. Her dark Arts allow her to assume a new identity each month, or sometimes each week.
Even at her advanced age, Eleanor is in not danger of falling to Banality, as she keeps a more than adequate supply of Glamour within easy reach. Dignified and beautiful as only a sidhe can be, she patronizes dozens of artists, from opera singers to modern sculptors. Few cultural events of significance occur in Concordia without her attendance. Now that she has reached an advanced age, she also spends part of her free time with chosen mortals whom she Rhapsodizes to maintain herself. She has lately considered stepping up her Rhapsodizing so that she can reverse her aging slightly... not so as to be noticeable to the casual observer, but just enough to make certain she can still do it. After all, once she has accomplished her goals, she has no intention of remaining old and feeble forever.
- CTD. Pour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2, p. 94.
- CTD. Book of Lost Dreams, p. 44.