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Lady Eithlinn of the Gleaming Eyes is an Unseelie Sidhe Wilder and Head of Security for House Balor.



Despite the eerie red gleam that emanates from her eyes, many Balor account Lady Eithlinn as the most beautiful of all the women of the house. Certainly, she leads the list of ruthless generals in her capacity as Head of Security. A master of disguise as well as an expert in all forms of espionage and surveillance, she serves as leader for the Eyes of Balor and so knows the most intimate secrets not only of her house, but of the other fae houses as well. Her memory for detail and her ability to recall entire conversations serve her well when it comes to planning covert strikes and acts of sabotage, which she places in the capable hands of Lady Moya, the redcap who leads the house's assassination squads and sabotage teams.

Sequestered most of the time in her fortress high in the Adirondack Mountains in the Kingdom of Apples, Lady Eithlinn occasionally travels to other parts of Concordia, always in disguise, to pay official visits to other house notables. Most members of the house feel slightly ill at ease in her presence, for she seems to know even the best kept secrets. Once in a while, her visits coincide with the unexplained disappearance of one of her "hosts." No one has dared suggest that she uses the laws of hospitality as an excuse to get close enough to her enemies to remove them, but the suspicion remains and accounts for many sleepless nights among the leaders of Balor freeholds. A charge of treason made by Lady Eithlinn against any of the house almost certainly results in the death penalty, with or without a trial.

Within her fortress, she reportedly keeps a bevy of human slaves, male and female, to serve her voracious sexual appetite and proclivity for causing pain. Many interrogations techniques used by her agents come from practice sessions using her enchanted humans as guinea pigs.

Tower Council[]

As Head of Security, Lady Eithlinn sits on the Tower Council and holds the internal safety of House Balor in her capable hands. She sits at the center of a vast network of covert operatives and sleepers that spends its time observing and gathering information on the other houses so that Balor may make its decisions based on accurate and up-to-date intelligence. The importance of her work cannot go without saying, for without her firm grasp of the big picture, the house would flounder in a sea of conflicting rumors, unable to sort out truth from falsehood. Because of her, Balor need not fear that their Unseelie cousins have unpleasant surprises hidden within their freeholds.


  1. CTD. Pour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2, pp. 115, 145.