Eden is one of the Fiefs of Bright Paradise and the home of the largest Satyr Tragos in the world.
Nestled in the Florida Keys, and loyal to the Kingdom of the White Sands, this beach resort/nudist colony provides a home for the largest tragos in the world. Satyrs come from all over for vacation or to live there permanently. The resort covers 10 square miles and offers something for every taste.
Eden has its own economy, with retail and service shops of all sorts run by the residents. The Eden police and fire departments, both volunteer forces of mortal and Kithain, keep the island secure, and a small hospital handles emergencies. Eden has temporary and permanent housing and an hourly shuttle to the mainland. Unless health or safety regulations dictate otherwise, anyone can perform their duties nude and many do.
Nudity here is the norm rather than the exception. While no one is required to take off their clothing, the option is there, and Eden residents don't make a big deal of it either way. Once a newcomer has been at the resort for a couple of hours, the shock of seeing so many naked bodies performing everyday activities wears off. People play nude volleyball, get massages at the gym, and take mud-baths in the unisex spa.
This tropical paradise has all the standard attractions of an island in the Caribbean: palm trees, white beaches, blue water, coral reefs, and lots of sunshine. Large sections of the land remain natural and undeveloped for those guests who wish to "rough it." One of the main attractions is Soliloquy Falls on the south end of the island. It drops over 150 feet from the top of a rocky cliff into a deep, wide lagoon. Satyrs sun themselves on the rocks and swim in the clear water, breathing in the heady perfume of tropical flowers and watching the rainbows created in the mist rising from the waterfall.
Here, satyrs mingle with humans as well as other Kithain. Most of the mortals living here or visiting are Dreamers who come at the invitation of their faerie muse. A large artist's colony occupies the northeastern corner of the island. No one is excluded for any reason other than Banality. The arrival of Unseelie changelings draws attention, but they may stay as long as the do not harm anyone. Indeed, several spas and recreation facilities offer unique services to the more eccentric of the faeries.
See also the Spiderweb Tea Room.
References Edit[]
- CTD. Kithbook: Satyrs, p. 37.