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Edann's Harp is a powerful treasure of House Leanhaun.


Lady Leanhaun

This ancient wooden harp has a large crack running through it, strings that look like little more than frayed threads, and is in such poor repair that it would only bring a few dollars to someone interested in Celtic history. To enchanted eyes, however, the harp, though ancient and cracked, is inlaid with gold and has silvered strings that appear as fine and fragile as shining hair. No one of the House knows if this is really the harp of Edann, the bard who stole Leanhaun's heart, or a lovingly made copy, but the strong enchantments on it make it a treasure of the house.

When played, the harp evokes strong emotions in the hearers; depending on the intentions of the harpist that can be happiness, sadness, bravery, hatred, longing, or any other strong feeling. It is so strong that some have been known to gain Glamour from hearing it as though they had experienced Epiphany. The one who plays the harp doesn't need to have any talent or knowledge of music to use it, though those who do may use its powers most fully. The sound of the Harp can recall a lost changeling to their true self and grant them one to three points of Glamour. This may only be done once a month, and after it is done it can not be played until the next full moon or it will lose its Glamour forever. A changeling receiving Glamour from the harp must immediately roll their Glamour, difficulty 7, or the first stage of Bedlam.

The harp is traditionally held and played by an enchanted mortal who is considered one of the ruling members of the House and part of the Keepers of the Rose until another wins the war and takes their place. Mortals who hold the harp for longer than a year often suffer effects similar to Ravaging once the give up the treasure.


  1. CTDPour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2, p. 97.