The Eastern Hand members of the Black Hand primarily reside in the East, Middle East, the northern portion of Africa, and India. They share many secrets and practices which differ from those of the Western Hand.
The Black Hand of the East is even more radical and active than the Sabbat’s Black Hand. Due to past and present conflicts with the Baali and Setites, they are prepared for nearly anything. The leaders of the Black Hand receive advice on their course of action from members of a long line of oracles. These oracles, known as the Shiqq, are supposedly in contact with the Djinn from the Realm of Smokeless Fire.
The sect is deeply tied to mortal affairs, overseeing much of daily life. The Eastern part of the sect is composed of two identifiable groups — the scholars and the warriors. They are active in Middle Eastern conflicts, making them a little more identifiable as a sect.
The Eastern Hand has its own rituals and secrets which it protects from the other divisions. In addition, it is more active in the Shadow Crusade, and places less emphasis on personal influence and power and more on honor and fanaticism. Many Hand members have voluntarily given their unlives in service to the sect. It maintains a semi-strict hierarchy, and each vampire is supposed to “know her place in the order of things.” Those who become too power-hungry or independent are dispatched.
- VTM: Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, p. 22,45-46