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The Duchy of Fermanagh is part of the Kingdom of Ulster.



Fermanagh is a small but very beautiful duchy with hills in the southwest and the grand twin Loughs of Erne. Between the Loughs is the entrance to a long cavern complex known as the Marble Arch Caves. This is where Duchess Sally Kelly both lives and holds her court. There is a powerful source of Glamour in the caves, which Sally uses to hold in check a dangerous chimera that lives in the Loughs. Apparently left from a more powerful time, it has taken on a life of its own and occasionally drags mortals and changelings down to the cold deeps below. If someone tries to get her tainted treasure from her, they will have to defeat the chimera or persuade it to go elsewhere.

The Golden Glass Bell[]

Knowing Sally's love of peaceful solutions to vexing problems, the tainted treasure Duke Lorenzo gave her from King Finn is the Golden Glass Bell, a small, golden-colored glass bell with an equally tiny mallet. The bell can be clearly heard in a nearly 500 ft radius, thick wall permitting. When struck, the bell sounds a note so pure that all who hear it must pause to listen to the clear, vibrant sound. It has the property of "clearing the air," or making those who are angry or engaged in arguments stop and reconsider, even if only for a moment, why things seem so difficult and unpleasant. This may give other the chance to jump in and defuse their anger or solve the argument. The drawback is that those who hear the bell more than once a month begin to lose their ability to feel deep emotion. They lose love and hate, then liking and disliking, annoyance, pleasure, and finally any feeling at all. Sally has fallen prey to this.


  1. CTD. Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, p. 134.