White Wolf Wiki

Duce Carter is a Mekhet in Chicago.


Once a two-bit hood on Chicago's South Side, Carter now finds himself in the position of being one Walt Barowski's lieutenants (though neither would use such hierarchical language to describe the arrangement) and a driving force in the Movement. Carter is, in essence, the Carthian Movement's liaison to Chicago's street gangs. He organizes, deploys and rewards gang members for Barowski, and in return Carter enjoys free rein to take care of his own business as he sees fit and has Barowski backing him up if he runs into trouble from other covenants, which he does on a fairly regular basis.

Carter is at odds with much of his own sect, because he regards them as either too fractious (at best) or needlessly brutal (at worst). His loyalties are firmly with the Carthian Movement, but he regularly feels that many members of his sect just don't "get it" on a philosophical level. As far as he's concerned, much of the covenant's effort is wasted because of their lack of direction.

Carter is often at odds with much of his own sect, especially its pointlessly rebellious younger members, whom he regards as either needlessly brutal or otherwise too rowdy to work together for a common goal. As an intellectual archetype, he realizes that much of his sect's efforts are wasted because of the lack of direction, so he strikes a deal with Persephone because she has proximity to the authority figure and because she's got power of her own. The deal here is that he can't actively raise a hand against the Prince because he's a known agitator and the Prince forces him to drink his blood every month to maintain a Vinculum.

Carter has succeeded at just about everything he's done in his Requiem thus far, and gained a bit of a reputation in doing so. He has unquestionable street cred with Chicago's black and white organized crime rings. This has made Carter a very wealthy vampire. Still, he knows the deck is stacked against other Kindred and that just doesn't sit right with him. He doesn't have the money to bankroll all the downtrodden Kindred everywhere, but he can help them change the system, and that's what hopes to do, starting in Chicago.

In his breathing days, Duce was a small-time drug dealer and lightweight gangsta. Even back then (then being the late '70s), Carter was a thinking man's gangster. He knew how to get the results he needed from those around him, whether they were above or below him on the food chain.

Duce turned state's witness to bargain down a sentence on a drug-distribution arrest, while seeing to it that the corrupt kingpins who needed to pay did so. This history as a rat haunts him - he knows he did the right thing by helping put a bigger, more corrupt dealer in jail, but it still took a toll on his honor and dignity. Members from the old neighborhood occasionally show up to fuck with him, but Carter is both smooth and good with his Disciplines and handles them easily. Still, even seeing his old homies around doing the same shit they were doing 30 years ago depresses and aggravates him.

It wasn't long after his release from a very short stint in prison that Carter suffered the Embrace. He never knew his sire, and he was never certain if he was Embraced as punishment or if her was Embraced through sheer coincidence or for some other reason.

Barowski saw immediately that Carter understood the Carthian philosophy better than most of the sect's members, took him under his wing and helped him deal with his Embrace. The Prefect quickly groomed Carter for a role in Chicago's Carthian operations. Carter took to it readily, overseeing Cathian operations on the South Side and managing the more legally questionable aspect of the Carthian agenda in Chicago.

Being linked to Barowski wasn't all a boon for Carter. Prince Maxwell, acting on the principle that the allies of an agitator are also probably agitators, has made Carter feed from him once a month for years, and the Vinculum is now quite solid. If Maxwell ever needs a weapon to wield against the Carthians, it'll be Carter.


Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Carthian Movement
Embrace: 1975
Apparent Age: 28
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4
Mental Skills: Computer 1, Investigation 1, Occult 1, Politics 1
Physical Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Drive 3, Firearms 2, Larceny 3, Stealth 2, Survival 1, Weaponry 1
Social Skills: Animal Ken 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 4
Merits: Haven 2, Herd 2, Resources 2
Willpower: 7
Humanity: 6
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Envy
Health: 8
Initiative: 8
Defense: 4
Speed: 12
Blood Potency: 2 (Vitae/Turn: 11/1)
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Obfuscate 3, Resilience 2

