Dryburgh Abbey is a Celestial Chorus Chantry in Scotland.

The abbey is now a framework of arches and collapsed walls, most notable as the home of the grave of Sir Walter Scott. It is also home to a cabal of Choristers. This cabal's mission is to repair the damage done to the relations of the Traditions within Scotland. Its ranks may seem stereotypical; three of its four members are invested nuns, but under Sister Isobel's wise leadership the Choristers are not allowed to proselytize. Acceptance and beneficence are the mottos of the chantry.
The only problem with Sister Isobel's plan is that she and her two compatriots are, well, boring. Their idea of carousing is a tea party on the lawn... without china! Their saving grace of the social scene is Faruq ibn Kamal. He runs the gift shop with the flair of a Jordanian merchant at a bazaar. His flamboyant nature and Islamic ideology sometimes scare Sister Charity and Sister Felicity, but as long as their hearts can stand the strain. Sister Isobel hopes that he can help them make overtures to the mages in Scotland.
- NB: Elsewhere in the book, Sisters Charity and Felicity are called Penelope and Marguerite.
- MTAs: Isle of the Mighty, p. 105, 128