White Wolf Wiki

Drive is the core motivation of an independent Hunter that pushes them to persistently take up the Hunt in the face of all the adversity that such a career enacts upon them.

Drive exists primarily as a game term, and is not concretely recognized by Hunters in-universe, at least not the vast majority of them.


A Hunter's Drive is awakened when they are presented with conclusive evidence that the supernatural exists, and more importantly, when they decide to do something about it. The possession of a proper Drive is, for all intents and purposes, the deciding factor between someone who flees when confronted by the darkness infesting the world, and someone who confronts it.

In addition to providing the motivation to take up the Hunt to begin with, the Drive to see that motivation come to fruition also allows Hunters to tap into the, at times, surprisingly formidable power of Desperation.

Drives are functionally unique to independent Hunters. Although those within orgs may well possess it, not only do the complicating motivations structurally pervading orgs as a concept act as a replacement among individual members, but those who do gain (or already possess) legitimate Drives among their ranks also tend to have swift falling-outs with their superiors due to the conflict between their Drive and the ulterior motives of the wider org.


When overuse or ill fortune befalls a Hunter making use of their Desperation to grant them a leg up over their quarry, they risk falling into Despair, draining their will to continue and preventing them from further tapping into Desperation. Despair is most often exited when the Hunter performs a significant action that fulfills their Drive, redeeming their worth as a Hunter in their own eyes and reigniting their passion for the Hunt.

List of Drives[]

The list of Drives below is far from an exhaustive catalogue of the myriad reasons for why a Hunter might do what they do, but it does cover some of the most common ones.


Knowingly or unknowingly, the Hunter has aided a monster in the past and now seeks to settle the debt that they have incurred to humanity.

Redemption: The cell must protect someone from the quarry (or a similar creature), either directly or by proxy: Standing in harm’s way, taking a proverbial bullet for them.


The Hunter is driven to learn everything about their quarry, insatiably digging ever deeper for each new fact uncovered.

Redemption: The cell must uncover new and significant information about their quarry.


The Hunter seeks to join the creatures of the night, be it through becoming a vampire, independent ghoul, Stolen Moon or whatever else, or die trying.

Redemption: Get into the quarry’s good graces or procure samples of the source of their power.


A greedy Hunter wants what their supernatural foes have, thinking it unjust that night-stalking creatures profit by their monstrosity. Better yet, their assets tend not to be secured by banks in the event of their tragic disappearance.

Redemption: Acquisition of resources from their quarry, or from creatures like it.


The Hunter has made a pledge against the creatures of the night and will stop at nothing until it’s fulfilled — their word is their bond.

Redemption: The cell must help the Hunter to actively uphold their oath or bring it closer to fulfillment.


The encounter with the supernatural and superhuman has ignited a fierce desire in the Hunter to prove themselves against creatures handed powers they never deserved.

Redemption: Besting the quarry in some type of challenge, directly or indirectly.


The Hunter or someone close to them has been hurt by the quarry, or others of their kind. The scales must be balanced.

Redemption: The cell must hurt their quarry (or a similar creature) either directly or by proxy.

