White Wolf Wiki

Dredd Scott is a 7th generation Gangrel, Prince of Atlanta.


Dredd Scott has been Prince of Atlanta for some time, yet his power has never grown stagnant. He maintains a tight hold on the affairs of Atlanta' Kindred, especially in recent weeks, given the threat of war with the Sabbat.

Prince Scott is a fair man, but if angered, his justice is swift and final. After living as a slave in the South before the Civil War, Scott holds that all should be free within the limits of the law. However, such ethics are only part of the reason why he wants Charlena back.


Clan: Gangrel
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Judge
Generation: 7th
Apparent Age: Middle 30s
Physical: Brawny, Courageous, Ferocious, Relentless, Tenacious, Tireless,
Social: Intimidating, Diplomatic, Dignified, Authoritative,
Mental: Vigilant, Tenacious, Shrewd, Practical, Calm,
Disciplines: Wolf's Claws, Command, Potence, Fortitude,
Abilities: Melee, Survival, Politics, Resources, Law, Firearms,

