Dr. Waabizii Benjamin is a Canadian Silver Fang philodox.
With an Ojibwe heritage to his name, Dr. Benjamin uses his PhD in Indigenous Studies to act as a major scholarly figure among the worldwide Garou. In particular, he is considered a voice of authority on the relationship between the historical trauma inflicted on Indigenous Americans and how that trauma is reflected in the history of European Garou colonizing and subjugating native werewolf populations and seizing their caerns and talismans for personal use.
Dr. Benjamin is also a major academic voice with regards to the relationship between spirits (which his cultural background has him call the manidoog) and the myriad human cultures that cultivated a relationship with them, knowingly or otherwise, and how modern society (in particular capitalism's effect on the individual's spiritual wellbeing) risks a wide-scale disconnection from those roots. Furthermore, he notes the Garou are themselves members of only one animistic tradition among many, casting into sharp contrast the views of the human cultures in which they find themselves and the Garou perspective that informs their lives as werewolves.
- WTA: 5th Edition Core Book, p. 38, 223