White Wolf Wiki

Doyle Fincher is a Gangrel who defected from the Camarilla of Chicago to the antitribu of his clan.


During his mortal days, Doyle Fincher was a butcher in a slaughterhouse in Chicago. He was very unsocial with his peers and preferred the company of the animal that he would soon have to kill. Respecting and caring for them, he nonetheless killed them efficiently.

This attitude inspired Inyanga, the Gangrel primogen of Chicago, to grant him the Embrace after various testing and hunting trecks. One night she appeared before him and ofeered him death. Each night for the next seven nights he met with the ancient vampiress and followed her as she hunted. Finally, he took his sledgehammer to his own head, and once he was dead Inyanga draining all of his blood. She slit open her nipple and poured a single drop of vitae into his mouth. Doyle awoke and drank deeply.

Drowning in the passion of feeding, Doyle preferred to feed from animals most of the time, claiming the joining of the souls in the moment of death as pure ecstasy, but he also sometimes feeds on unsuspecting mortals.

He owns a great stockyard and provides Kindred who are unable (or unwilling) to hunt, with blood – provided they change their behavior. During various conflicts within Chicago, he had given various Kindred sanctuary within his domain.

In secret, Doyle has joined with the Sabbat, being primary fascinated by the Path of Death and the Soul. However, no one knows of his hidden allegiance.

V5 Timeline[]

Fincher became the Principal of Faith to the current Prince of Milwaukee. The title covers a bewildering array of courtly advisors on matters of the soul, from the Christian preacher reminding the Kindred of the domain of their humanity or learned Haqimite advising the Prince on matters of cultural diplomacy to the methuselah-cultist trying to teach respect for the ancestors.

Fincher currently owns a large stockyard on the South Side and, using several ambulances for transport, sells a huge selection of animal blood to other Kindred. During various conflicts within Milwaukee, he has become known for providing Kindred of all types sanctuary in the sub-basement of his factory, including Anarchs and other outsiders.


A naturally skinny man with a highly developed upper body. Fincher has sharp, thin face with brown hair. The left side of his head is badly malformed from the sledgehammer blowwith with which he killed himself.

Character Sheet[]

Doyle Fincher
Sire: Inyanga
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Deviant
Generation: 7th
Embrace: 1889 CE
Apparent Age: Late 30s
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Empathy 4
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Melee 3, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Butchering 4, Medicine 3, Sabbat Lore 1
Disciplines: Animalism 6, Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2, Obtenebration 1, Potence 1, Protean 4
Backgrounds: Mentor 4 (Inyanga), Status 2
Virtues: Conviction 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Morality: Path of Death and the Soul 4
Willpower: 9
Note: Doyle's extra level of Animalism allows him to live simultaneously as an animal he has possessed and as himself. He generally uses this Discipline when he slays the animal.


