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White Wolf Wiki

Douglas Sands is a hunter of the Martyr Creed. He is also the one of the main protagonists of the Predator & Prey Novels.


Douglas was among the most reluctant of hunters. Set in his soft, middle-aged ways, he took several weeks to truly heed the call, even after discovering that a vampire stalked his mistress and, later, his wife. He eventually drove the monster away - its predatory leer finally enraged him - but Douglas was unwilling to even pursue the creature. He didn't feel fit to judge it. For the first time in his life Douglas became aware of the faltering direction of his own moral compass, however. He didn't change, mind you, but he did begin to feel guilt.

Eventually, the persistent vampire forced Douglas' hand and the reluctant imbued resolved to move against it. How else might he atone for the misdeeds of his past and present: the infidelity to his wife; the death of their son, for which Douglas blamed himself? Even now, he doubts his moral fitness and the legitimacy of the hunt, but he's willing to assume the responsibility of wrongdoing himself, if only to spare others.

Douglas has fallen in with a group of hunters in his home, Iron Rapids, Michigan. His old life is falling apart. He has lost his corporate job and is estranged from his wife. He's made off with their joint savings to support his endeavors - merely another sin in the name of the hunt. His wife may not understand, but it's for her own good.

In just a few months of activity against vampires and shapechangers, Douglas has gone from green recruit to seasoned veteran. He is always closed-mouthed about his victories and defeats, but stories about him start to spread nevertheless.

