Douglas Bender is an Unseelie Boggan Grump and Mechanic
Doug grew up working with spare parts and junk cars behind his father's auto body shop. He and his brother left school to work full-time in the shop when their father died of a heart attack and the two of them were able to keep the shop afloat and support the family. They even earned a reputation as dependable and skilled craftsmen and the shop prospered. Then one week Dave was struck with a terrible flu and Doug worked almost around the clock to keep up with all of their work. Something overtook Doug one night and he finished almost three days worth of work in a furious burst of energy and skill. He was so wrapped up in the need to finish that he didn't realize he was seeing the world in a new way until the next morning when he took a break.
Even when he isn't in the shop, Doug wears denim overalls, a black t-shirt, and solid boots. His baseball cap hides a balding head and his short brown beard and mustache are heavily shot with grey. He studies people he has only just met, showing a neutral disposition to those he doesn't like but being open and friendly otherwise. His thick fingers look clumsy but aren't. He usually has an oil-stained rag in his back pocket unless he's using it to wipe his hands.
Court: Unseelie
Legacies: Grotesque/Crafter
House: Commoner
Seeming: Grump
Kith: Boggan
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Streetwise 1
Skills: Crafts 4, Drive 3, Instruction 2, Repair 4, Security 2
Knowledges: Automobiles 3, Enigmas 2, History 2, Science 1
Arts: Primal 4
Realms: Actor 1, Fae 2, Props 5
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Remembrance 1, Resources 3, Treasures 1
Glamour: 4
Banality: 5
Willpower: 7
- CTD: Book of Lost Dreams, p. 58