Domus is the unique Discipline of the Malocusian bloodline of the Ventrue. Through a blood ritual known as "the investiture", Domus attunes a Malocusian to her haven like a Spider in the centre of her web.
The Web Trembles - the Malocusian is aware of creatures crossing into his haven. This awareness includes ephemeral beings, if the Spider has some means of perceiving them.
The Web Speaks - the vampire senses everything that happens in her haven through the senses of sight, hearing and touch.
Loyal Web - the house becomes even more personally attuned to its master, aiding his physical and social actions in subtle ways while hindering others.
The Spider's Cocoon - the Spider melds with her haven, dissolving her body into blood and soaking into the very walls, making the house her new physical form.
The Living Web - the Spider's haven becomes a living thing, changing to match his will and drawing on the life of creatures within its bounds to feed its master.
- The Lovely or Loathsome Web (Domus
, Majesty
) - transfers the effects of Majesty powers to the Spider's haven, affecting all who look upon her house.
- VTR: Invictus (book), p. 192 -196, 212-213