The Discipline which allows a Kindred to directly impose his or her will on others. The Kindred may issue simple commands, rearrange memories and even take over a victim's body. Most uses of Dominate require eye contact. Dominate is the signature Discipline of clan Ventrue. (VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook , p 124)
- Command
- Mesmerize
- The Forgetful Mind
- Conditioning
- Possession
As of Vampire the Requiem Second Edition, powers of Dominate were refined and reorganized. (Source:
- Mesmerize: You meet the victim’s eye, lulling them into a trance.
- Iron Edict: Your Mesmerism becomes stronger and more insidious.
- Entombed Command: You hide a command in your prey’s subconscious.
- The Lying Mind: You can make more drastic alterations to a victim’s memories.
- Possession: You extend your mind fully into that of another, supplanting their will and taking complete control of their body.