Domains, also referred as kingdom, principalities, or other such terms, are areas ruled by spirits parasitically.[1]
Unlike broods, which are symbiotic and mutual in nature, domains always involve some measure of inequality.[1] One or a group of powerful spirits (referred to as the "pantheon") takes control of a region and demands total obeisance from all other spirits in that area.[1] Typically, the ruling spirit or spirits gain the lion's share of the Essence and that which does go to the lesser spirits warps them in some way, such that they begin to take on the aspect of the pantheon.[2]
Types of Domain[]
- Mob Rule: A group of relatively-equal spirits takes power, twisting nearby beings, mortal and spirit, to their taste. The group gains the first pick of Essence and consumes any defiant upstarts.[1]
- Feudal Court: A spirit takes on the role of the domain's lord, with other, lesser spirits free to hunt and operate with the approval of said lord. In exchange for said approval, the lesser spirits must provide Essence or favors.[1]
- Gods and Monsters: This method is similar to that of the feudal court, bar that the ruling spirit offers nothing to the lessers and destroys those who do not acquiesce to its demands.[1]