White Wolf Wiki

The Disciplines of the Kuei-jin are similar in function to the Disciplines of the Kindred. While Kindred Disciplines are often Disciplines in name only, aspiring to master their vampiric nature through raw power, Kuei-jin Disciplines are based on ethical and philosophic capacity. Kuei-jin Disciplines are based on elemental forces corresponding to supernatural Virtues in the Kuei-jin's body and the Chi stored in the vampire's body. Like Western vampires (Kindred/Cainites), Kuei-jin can only achieve a greater level of power by increasing their Dharma (working in a manner similar to generation, but linked to philosophical enlightenment instead of innate or diablerized power). Like with Cainite disciplines, there are a few combination disciplines.

Kuei-jin Disciplines cannot be learned by Kindred or any other shen (supernatural creatures).


Kindred of the East Disciplines


Beast Shintai · Blood Shintai · Bone Shintai · Flesh Shintai · Jade Shintai · Ghost-Flame Shintai · Smoke Shintai · Storm Shintai

Chi Arts:

Equilibrium · Feng Shui · Tapestry · Yang Prana · Yin Prana

Soul Disciplines:

Chi'iu Muh · Cultivation · Internalize · Mibasham · Obligation · Tzu Wei

Demon Arts:

Black Wind · Demon Shintai · Hellweaving · Iron Mountain · Kiai

Bile Shintai:

Balefire Shintai · Decay Shintai · Disease Shintai · Poison Shintai · Radiation Shintai

Godbodies of the Fourth Age:

Godbody of Water · Godbody of Metal · Godbody of Earth · Godbody of Wood · Godbody of Fire


Prayer-Eating . Inward Way. Tempest of Inward Focus
