White Wolf Wiki

Dha-shi-zhi, "The Maiden of Flowers" was a Homid Stargazer Ragabash and part of the First Jade Sentai.[1]


It was difficult being a princess of the Tang capital of Chang'an. Dha-shi-zhi's family was a lot of corrupt dynastic bureaucrats who afforded her no freedom of decision. The course of her life was laid out before her, and she would serve at the side of the government as the divine "Maiden of Flowers," inspiring those of the capital to bow, scrape, and follow.

When her First Change came, no others were allowed to see her. She changed in plain sight of many of her family members, and she was sequestered away in a dark room in the palace. There was much fear that her skin had been taken by demons, and the family called for exorcists from Tibet to come and heal her soul or destroy her - whichever came first. For many days and nights the young girl sat in the darkness, weeping, until one night she woke from a fitful slumber to find that the door to her room was unbarred and open. The palace was in flames and under siege by an unknown clan of assassins. Uninterested in the reasons why, she sized the opportunity and fled for the mountain villages.

There she found others of her kind. She became part of a roving pack of Stargazers, all of them thieves, beggars, and clowns. This gang of Ragabash Garou staved off the local corruptions of the Wyrm only peripherally, and instead spent most of their time engaged in selfish, foolish acts. Dha-shi-zhi learned to play the sheghuang, or "thirteen-pipes, and became a street musician usually drunk on rice-wine. Her young life was spent in much worthlessness, until one day the voice came from on high, a thunderous boom that only she could hear, almost rupturing her eardrums. She was called. The Jade Emperor demanded her presence.

For weeks she denied the voice, but it grew louder and louder. Soon she could do little more than whimper while laying in the muddy through-ways of the village. Hald-mad and unable to concentrate, she began to stumble toward the distant Songgao Mountain. As she neared, the voices quieted and she was allowed some presence of mind once more. At the mountain, she was given her charge, and saddled with the other two, Jin Jia and Jui-Xing.

It took many years for her to find some moderation, and even then she was an overly free-spirited, impetuous girl. But she was a powerful ally in battle, able to dance with her magic sword and carve through whole swaths of the enemy. She adorned herself in bundles of red and white flowers, once again assuming the title of the "Maiden of Flowers."

Her life did not end peacefully. She and the Jade Sentai were called back to Chang'an and were given the task to destroy her own family, who had over the years become deeply entrenched with the taint of Kung-King. She was only partially prepared for the task, and found that her once-mortal mother was now something terrible, only half-human and half something else. She fell in battle against her, her throat slit by a silver blade.

