The Despond Discipline is associated with the Children of Judas bloodline, a morose group of Daeva who capitalize on the inner fears and worries of others.
Despond, in particular, is one of the most feared disciplines among the Kindred; it gives vampires a very clear glimpse into the world of torment and pain that they have to try so hard to escape. A Child of Judas, if identified, may soon find himself the target of unwanted attention.
For more details, purchase the VTR: Bloodlines: The Legendary sourcebook for Vampire: the Requiem.
- Self-Doubt - For a brief moment, the target is unable to do much of anything.
- Doomed to Fail - The target becomes disheartened and disillusioned, worried that everything they attempt might not succeed.
- Dark Night of the Soul - Whoever is affected by this technique can do little other than brood on one's own failures and misfortunes.
- Melancholy - The target becomes deranged, expressing phobias and distressing mindsets he would not normally sink to.
- The Earth Rejects Thee - Suicide loses its ability to end a person's suffering, as the target can be brought back from the grave as a vampire.
- VTR: Bloodlines: The Legendary, p. 47-50