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Demon Translation Guide is a sourcebook for Demon: The Fallen and Demon: The Descent. This book provides the ability to translate characters from one game to the other, and vice-versa.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

What if the God-Machine was just...God?
What if the Fallen escaped from Hell, only to find themselves in a World of Darkness overseen by a vast Machine and techngnostic angels?
What kinds of bargains might the Unchained make if they knew the Almighty was always watching?
The Demon Translation Guide will help you find the answers.
This book includes:
  • Translations of the Incarnations and Houses between versions of Demon
  • Suggestions and ideas on how to use certain rules and setting elements in each version of the game
  • Core powers (Embeds, Exploits, and Lores) converted for use into the opposite game system
A copy of Demon: The Fallen and Demon: The Descent are required for use with this product.


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