Demetrius was a 5th generation Ventrue, a childe of the powerful Alexander of Paris.
Demetrius was among the Greek colonists who founded the ancient port city of Massilia (currently known as Marseille) long before Rome rose to power. A distinguished member of the Ventrue clan, Demetrius sat as the Prince of Massilia for centuries, nearly since the city's founding.
However, when the entire south of France (back then known as "Gaul") fell under Roman authority centuries later, Massilia held out as a free city for quite some time. Eventually, though, when Julius Caesar conquered Gaul there was no escape, and although he had worked with his clanmates in Rome, helping them when required, the autonomy of his beloved city was gone when Roman troops stormed its gates in the first century B.C. - a slight that Demetrius would never forgive.
He went into a rage and blamed one of the elder Ventrue in Rome, Gaius Fabricius, for failing to make Julius Caesar into a pawn. At first Gaius bore the Greek no ill will, but he quickly took up the feud on his own in retaliation for Demetrius' constant attacks. Their acrimony even extends to their progeny, their progeny's progeny and so on. Although both are reputed Cainites of a powerful generation, they have been known to take out their aggressions on lowly neonates who can claim a rival's lineage. As often as not, the rival doesn't even know that the poor descendent even exists.
- VTM: Clanbook: Ventrue Revised, p. 21