White Wolf Wiki

Sir Davis Rothman is a Seelie Sidhe Grump of House Eiluned.


Davis Rothman

Davis Rothman sits as the center of an information network that a Nosferatu vampire would envy. As the founder and leader of Rothman & Associates, he has put together a group of aggressive young mortals and Kithain who have become a force to be reckoned with across Concordia over the course of the last decade. A Dauntain has a writ foreclosing on your freehold? No problem. your oathmate has been kidnapped by her mortal parents and institutionalized? They'll have her back in time for supper. Subtly navigating the mortal legal system, Rothman's "knights" are masters of subtly applying a cantrip here and a pinch of Glamour there to grease the wheels of bureaucracy. Staunchly Seelie in his overall philosophy, Sir Davis and his staff are not beyond occasionally bending the rules in the name of justice.

