David Taliaferro, otherwise known as “Tolliver”, is a Toreador from Night City in 2020.
David was born in Atlanta, Georgia, although he grew up in New Orleans. By the age of ten, he was taking piano lessons from a well known pianist in the area, Andrew Stone. His natural talent was formidable, and, in Andrew’s opinion, should not be wasted. His tendency to lose his temper was simply an “artist’s mercurial moods.”
As the years passed, Andrew and David maintained a strong friendship, until Andrew finally offered the gift of immortality to his student. David accepted and lived the next few years in wonder at his new state. He would play for hours simply to listen to the music. Andrew was extremely pleased with his student, and was eventually throwing parties simply to show off his talent.
Then Andrew found another highly talented student to cultivate and starting spending less time with David. After less than a year of this, David’s bad temper got the better of him, and he attacked his Sire, driving him into Torpor and drinking his blood. With the dust that had been Andrew in his hands, the power of Andrew’s blood flowing through his veins and the sudden knowledge that the other Kindred in New Orleans would not be happy at this turn of affairs, David moved west.
He moved to Night City, as it seemed to be a fairly safe place for someone of his sort. Since his arrival, he has managed to offend at least half of the Primogen. The other half encourage his behavior.
A young man dressed in the latest styles, often playing with a pair of worry-beads. He moves as if he owns everything in sight.
Roleplaying Hints[]
You have the tiger by the tail, and he can’t bite you. While you don’t push this feeling onto others, if they can’t figure it out on their own, they are obviously inferior. You separate the world into two classes: artists and non-artists. Race, color, age, none of it makes a difference if they can create.
Character Sheet[]
Influence: David has plenty of Influence over the artistic community in Night City, but he has very little anywhere else.
- WW: White Wolf Magazine 37, p. 58-59
- WW: White Wolf Magazine 38, p. 14-20