David Morgan is the Scourge of New York City.
In his breathing days, David lead an empty life, focusing on drinking, working out at the gym, and hanging out with friends. After his Embrace, he found even less meaning in his unlife as he was forced to leave his mortal wife behind. It was only after various travels with a coterie who heeded the war call of the Justicars that he found a new purpose: protecting other Kindred.
He emerged as one of the war veterans and was even offered princedom by Calebros. With his acceptance of being the Scourge, he is now confronted with the hypocrisy of the undead, as the Camarilla fears the approaching Gehenna just like the Sabbat, destroying Thin-bloods out of apocalyptic mania.
David does his job as best as he can, but sometimes he cannot help but think about the fate of the poor Thin-bloods that fell under him, preferring that they them prove themselves and earn a place of their own.
Character Sheet[]
- VTM: New York by Night, p. 68