David Brookshaw is a writer and game designer.
David's official contributions for White Wolf include the following:
- 2023/May 17: MTAw: Tome of the Pentacle
- 2021/September 1: DTR: Deviant: The Renegades Rulebook
- 2020/March 18: GTS: Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition
- 2016/August 4: PTC: Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition
- 2016/May 4: MTAw: Mage: The Awakening 2nd Edition
- 2016/March 30:BTP: Beast: The Primordial Rulebook
- 2015/December 12: CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Revised Storytelling System Rulebook
- 2014/October 1: DTD: Demon: Interface
- 2014/June 25: DTD: Flowers of Hell: The Demon Players Guide
- 2014/March 24: DTD: Demon: The Descent Rulebook
- 2014/February 26: VTR: Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition Storyteller's Screen
- 2013/May 27: MTAs/MTAw: Mage Translation Guide
- 2013/April 30: CofD: The God-Machine Chronicle
- 2013/April 30: CofD: God-Machine Chronicle Rules Update
- 2012/November 21: CofD: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology
- 2012/January 10: MTAw: Imperial Mysteries
- 2011/March 16: MTAw: Mage Noir
- 2011/February 28: VTR: The Danse Macabre
- 2010/July 7: MTAw: Mage Chronicler's Guide
- 2009/April 1: CTL: Dancers in the Dusk
- 2009/March 4: MTAw: Seers of the Throne
- 2009/March 4: VTR: Night Horrors: Immortal Sinners
- 2021/September 1: DTR: Deviant: The Renegades Rulebook
- 2017/June 14: MTAw: Dark Eras: To the Strongest
- 2017/January 25: MTAw/WTF: Dark Eras: The Sundered World
- 2016/May 25: CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras
- 2015/January 21: MTAw: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
Special Thanks[]
- 2024/June 12: DTR: The Clades Companion
Dave Brookshaw, for entrusting me with reins of the Deviant line.
- 2023/May 17: MTAw: Tome of the Pentacle
To Dave Brookshaw, who went above and beyond the call of duty to make this book the best version of itself.
You can find a list of his Actual Plays here.