Dark Eras 2: The Seven Wonders is a release for Changeling: The Lost and Promethean: The Created. It is one of several settings in Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2.
From the seller's page:
- As the locations of the most significant m manmade structures in the world are revealed, adventurers from Greece and beyond seek them out to bask in their glory. It is tragic, however, that some wonders must be kept secret.
- The Gentry do not respond well to their Hedge being disturbed, and the seven wonders are coated in thorns for the unwary. There is no telling what they will do when they encounter the Created, who have heard of these wondrous places immune to war, the ravages of time, and Disquiet.
- Though the Created seek to protect the wonders like a mother would a child, the Gentry have their own reasons for safeguarding them.
- Requires the use of the Changeling: the Lost Second Edition Rulebook and Promethean: the Created Second Edition Rulebook
- Note: This is a single chapter of the larger Dark Eras 2 collection.
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
True Fae[]
Other Supernatural Beings[]
Antiquarian, Chimera, Colossoi, Dream Builders, Dryad, Dur-Sharrukin, Epagomenae, Epigoni, Great Bargain, Kratistoi, Miasma, Muse, Nymph, Web of Seven