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Dark Eras 2: One Thousand and One Nightmares is a release for Beast: The Primordial and Vampire: The Requiem. It is one of several settings depicted in Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2.


From the seller's page:

The Islamic Golden Age during the reign o[sic] of Caliph al-Ma’mun is a time of great advances in science and culture, but it’s also a time for getting into the mystic as the House of Wisdom brings the One Thousand and One Nights tales into the light, exposing records of true supernatural events and sparking unprecedented human curiosity about the unknown.
The Begotten reach out to help their vampire kin (and others) cope with the mortal situation that’s swiftly turning the tide against the night’s horrors; the Islamic covenants must decide how to redefine the Masquerade in a changing world.
During this time, the powerful Al- Khayzuran[sic], mother to the Caliph, ensures the tales’ power over human imagination through her mysterious connection with the Primordial Dream and the ancient queen Chehrazad.
Requires the use of the Beast: the Primordial Rulebook and Vampire: the Requiem Second Edition Rulebook, and Changeling: the Lost Second Edition Rulebook.
Note: This is a single chapter of the larger Dark Eras 2 collection.

Background Information[]

Though the summary indicates that this is also a setting for Changeling: The Lost, there is no such information to be found.

Memorable Quotes[]




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BTP/WTF/PTC: Hunger in the Black Land Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Beast: The Primordial books
VTR/CTL/HTV: Dark Eras 2: Arthur's Britannia Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Vampire: The Requiem books VTR/MTC/DTD: Dark Eras 2: The Reign of Terror Buy it from DriveThruRPG!