Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven is a setting for Werewolf: The Forsaken and Geist: The Sin-Eaters, taking place during the Viking Age.
- Cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself die. I know one thing which never dies:
- the judgment of a dead man’s life.
- --Havamal, Stanza 77
- The Viking expansion across Europe comes at a pivotal time in history, as new faiths rose to challenge the old and new ways threatened to sweep ancient tradition aside. The Forsaken sail with raiders and explorers, seeking new lands to claim and new spirits to conquer, while Sin-Eaters walk the battlefields bringing the honored dead to their final rewards. The world grows larger and more dangerous by the day, but there are great rewards for those brave enough to fight for them.
- Requires the use of the Chronicles of Darkness Rulebook, Werewolf: the Forsaken Second Edition Rulebook, and Geist: the Sin-Eaters Rulebook.
The Wolf and the Raven (700-1100)[]
- Theme: Outlanders
- Mood: Crossroads Fury
- Viking Fact and Fiction
- Inspirations
- Television and Film
- Vikings (2013)
- The Vikings (1958, dir. Richard Fleischer)
- The 13th Warrior (1999, dir. John McTiernan)
- Valhalla Rising (2009, dir. Nicholas Winding Refn)
- Erik the Viking (1989, dir. Terry Jones)
- Books and Literature
- Vinland Saga by Makoto Yukimura (2005)
- Eric Brighteyes by H. Rider Haggard (1890)
- The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson (1941)
- Beowulf
- Njál's Saga
- The Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda
- Games
- Sagas of the Icelanders (2012)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)
- Music
- Götterdammerung (Twilight of the Gods) by Richard Wagner
- Nordland I and Nordland II by Bathory
- Cluain Tarbh by Mael Mórdha
- Television and Film
The Wolves of the Sea[]
Raiding & Trading[]
Exploration and Settlement[]
- New Frontiers
- The Danelaw
- Iceland
- Eastern Europe
- Normandy
- Towns
- Hedeby
- Dublin
- York
- Warfare
- Trade
- Society
- Religion
The Battle of Clontarf[]
- Hunting Ground: Early 11th-Century Dublin
- Good Friday
- Aftermath
Blood Talons[]
Bone Shadows[]
Hunters in Darkness[]
Iron Masters[]
Storm Lords[]
- Spirits
- The Hosts
- The Pure
- Fire-Touched
- Ivory Claws
- Predator Kings
- The Restless Dead
Playing the Game[]
- Viking Era Totems
- New Merit: Rune Caster (**)
- New Blood: Berserker
- New Conditions: Ergi and Outlaw
- New Fetishes
- New Rite: Sigrblot (**)
- New Gifts
- New Lodge: Lodge of Muspell
The Hanged Man and the Cross[]
- Viking Sin-Eaters
- The Channel
- The Calling: Mythologies
- The Mission: Ethos
- Choosers of the Slain
- Long Ago
- Raiding
- Exploration
- Integration
- An Era Apart
- Industrial Key Revised
- Raven Messengers
- New Ceremonies
The Underworld[]
- Underworld Domains
- Helheim
- Ganglati and Ganglöt
- Valhalla
- Brunhildr
- Limbo
- Mother Superior
- Gehenna
- Satanis
- In Flux
- Helheim
- Sin-Eaters at the Battle of Clontarf
- Brodir's Death at the Tree
- Raven Banner - Memorabilia, the Torn
This setting was originally published in Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras.
- Octric, son of Aseulf - ?
- Aelfred - ?
- Bjorn - ?
- Amaroq – Werewolf
- Borghildr - Storm Lord
- Brum – Werewolf
- Brienus – Werewolf
- Aulwrak – Werewolf
- Hrafn – Werewolf
- Koli – Blood Talon, died
- Eirik – Blood Talon, died
- Ingólfr – Blood Talon
- Sven – Bone Shadow
- Hralf – Hunter in Darkness
- Hrolf Shipsplitter
Other Supernatural Creatures[]
- Brodir, the Wronged - Ghost
- Brunhildr - Kerberos
- Deep Eye - Kraken spirit
- Ember Carrion - Carrion spirits
- Ganglati - Kerberos
- Ganglöt - Kerberos
- Mother Superior - Kerberos
- Satanis - Kerberos
- Water Wyrm - Sea serpent spirits
- Black Claws - Uratha pack
- Eiðreik - Uratha pack
- Silfrmál - Uratha pack
- Steinnvorðr - Uratha pack
First Tongue: Didal Uga (Ember Carrion, Spirit), Sus Haz (Deep Eyes, Spirit), Esmusgal (Water Wyrms, Spirit); Lodge: Lodge of Muspell; aftergangr (Vampires), draugr (Prometheans and Ghosts)