Dark Eras: The Soulless and the Dead is a setting for Vampire: The Requiem and Promethean: The Created published in the Dark Eras Companion. It takes place between 1346 CE and 1353 CE.
A disease the likes of which no one has ever imagined ravages Europe, killing millions. The undead starve for want of blood, and the Created pine for want of human contact.
Background Information[]
This setting can only be purchased through Dark Eras Companion. It cannot be acquired on its own.
- Acacius
- Veronica del Buono
- Egidio
- Maria Eurphrosyne
- Anastasius Invictus
- Euthimia Mystikos
- Nicetas Severus
- Edigio's Companion
- Ethelwith
- Gibrail
- Kultamorsian
- Peredur (also Fisher King)
- Perevida
- Phillippe
- Platina
- Fra Sebastian
- Sten
- Arnau
- Bastiano di Fiorenza
Other Supernatural Beings[]
- Adolpho
- The Lance
Al-Hamasoun, Amirani, Cachexy, Gallows Post, Morbus